Archives for category: Children’s Books

Just like the child in Grandpa and the Kingfisher, I wish Dad were still here. I miss him. I also wish I could show him this book. He would be in awe of Sarah Massini’s beautiful interpretation of my words, and happy to know that he had inspired the story.

12th March was Dad’s birthday. He would have been 79 today. His birthday was the day before mine, so we used to ring one another and say, “Happy Birthday!” in unison. He used to tease me that I ruined his 26th birthday tea of sausages and mash because Mum went into labour with me while he was cooking – he panicked and rushed to her side, leaving the stove on, and his tea was left to burn!

He loved to tell this story – loved to tell stories, full stop. There was often an affectionate tease in them accompanied by a wink and a flash of mischief in his bright blue eyes. He loved to read stories too, a habit his mother had started in him very young, gifting him exquisite picture books which he kept pristine until his own children came along and scribbled in them with crayons…

At the end of Dad’s life I found one picture book which had mercilessly escaped my vandalism. It was what would now be called a “narrative non-fiction” book about the lifecycle of a kingfisher. Grandma had chosen it for Dad because his name was Martin and it was called Martin: the Kingfisher. I sat on the landing of my childhood home reading it and weeping, as it seemed to me that, in giving him this book, Grandma had predicted my dad’s life and his life-long happy marriage to Mum.

In the book, Martin the kingfisher works hard every day, fishing in the river. One day he meets his mate, Martine, and they build a life together. Martine, we are told, never leaves Martin’s side:

“She fidgets about, never very far away from him.”

As the story goes on, the birds stay together all the time.

“They are like twin arrows. They never leave one another. Never.[…] Winter comes, to be chased away by spring; the seasons succeed one another; time goes on. But Martin and Martine remain.”

Then one day, just as Dad did, Martin the kingfisher falls ill and Martine’s behaviour becomes very distressed, just as my mum’s did:

“Poor little Martine! She doesn’t know what to do. She perches beside him.”

Martin dies, and a few days later, so does Martine. The narrator buries them both in the same grave, just as my sister and I scattered our parents’ ashes in the same spot in the river. It is a sad ending of course, but there is hope in the arrival of the new chicks.

“I am happy,” the narrator tells us. “I realise that life goes on, goes on forever.”

These words from Dad’s old book found their way into the eulogy that my sister and I wrote for him. However, I found that I couldn’t leave things there, not least because my nephew and niece were very small when my dad died, and my sister and I found it difficult to talk to them about the loss of their lovely Grandpa Martin. So I decided to write my own kingfisher story, borrowing a little from Père Castor’s book, to help others talk to children about the circle of life in a hopeful and comforting way.

Dad died seven and a half years ago. Long enough, you’d think, for me to stop missing him. I said this once to a friend and they replied that the strength of your grief matches the strength of your love for the one you’ve lost. If that is the case, I’m going to have to accept that my grief for Dad is here to stay. Because love, like life – like Nature – goes on forever. I know my dad would agree with that.

“It’s just like Grandpa told me: Nature goes on like this. Nature goes on forever.”

With thanks to Sarah Massini for the images from Grandpa and the Kingfisher

I am in the middle of editing a picture book. As I laid the scenes out yesterday and looked at the shape of the story, I realised that I needed to pull the whole thing apart. I began separating out the spreads, re-setting the text, cutting and pasting and movings things around – and then I saw the holes appear.

It’s tempting to give in to panic when I’m at this stage of writing – I nearly always convince myself that the whole thing needs to be ripped up and thrown out, that it’s rubbish, that I’m rubbish. And what was I thinking, starting this idea in the first place?

It doesn’t matter how long or short the project is. A picture book can take just as long to fix as a novel. I’ve got a picture book in production now which I first wrote in 2015. The editing was only just finished in 2021 because of the glorious dance that is involved in picture-book writing once a designer and an illustrator are on board: the pictures always end up doing a huge amount of the storytelling, and so I must cut my words again and again until the balance between image and text is just right.

While I was unpicking the current project I found myself thinking about my grandmother and how similar her job as a seamstress was to my job as a writer. Grandma made all her own clothes as well as those of her children and her grandchildren. Some she made from patterns she bought in the department store in the nearby town. Others she made by pulling apart old clothes, either to reuse the fabric and fashion it into something new, or to see how she had made the old item so that she could copy it in a new fabric. Either way, she started with a lot of odd-shaped pieces which, laid out on her dining room table, looked like nothing less than a very complex jigsaw to the eight-year-old me.

And so it is with writing – for me, at least. I start by rummaging in my brain for an assortment of off-cuts – snatches of conversation, a face, a place, the germ of a narrative – and then I begin stitching a few of them together to see how they’ll shape up. After a few days I normally have an idea of the overall pattern. There are some holes and there are a few pieces which might not look right when stitched together. But if I keep going long enough, I usually find I have something approximating a finished text. And then I sit back and take a long hard look at it – and pull the thing apart.

I could not bother with this unpicking and restitching and just send my agent a patchwork object, telling her, ‘It could be a short story, or a picture book or even the first few chapters of a novel. I’m not sure.’ But that wouldn’t be much use to her. She wouldn’t know what to do with it, just as I wouldn’t have known what to do with an old coat with an arm missing or a pair of trousers with a hole in the seat. But in the pulling apart and the laying out of shapes and the rejecting of tired bits of worn-out old cliché or chunks of jarring dialogue and clunky turns of phrase, I can refine the overall shape. And hopefully, I’ll end up with something that hangs together well enough to convince my agent I have written a story that will sell. Maybe some readers will even think it’s worth handing down when they’ve finished with it, just as I am still wearing clothes that my grandmother made.

All of a sudden I am noticing a lot more butterflies while I am out taking my daily exercise. Yesterday I saw orange tips, a large white, two speckled woods (who seemed to want to follow me!) and a common blue. We are also noticing caterpillars on the nettles. They are most probably the caterpillar of the red admiral or the tortoiseshell as those are the butterflies that like to lay their eggs on nettles.

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I have written about nettles before on this blog and also in my nature almanac – so many people hate them because they sting and also because they grow fast and clog up flower beds. But if you can leave a patch of your garden or allotment for nettles, you’ll be helping the butterflies, which has to be a good thing. (And don’t forget that in early spring you can make delicious nettle soup and pesto from the early shoots too!)

Why not take your nature notebook out on a walk and note down how many different types of butterfly you see – and where you see them too? If you go to the Butterfly Conservation website you can find out how to send them the information you have gathered. You’ll be doing a fantastically helpful job!


Nature Month-by-Month – a children’s almanac by Anna Wilson, illustrated by Elly Jahnz is published by Nosy Crow and The National Trust and is available to order online.

Your independent bookshop can take orders over the phone and post books out to you, too. Give them a call!

NB The author of this blog accepts no responsibility for the content from links added to this page.

Last night we helped to carry out a bat survey on our house. This is because our roof is leaking and we need to fix it, but we had seen some bats flying around at dusk and we were worried about disturbing any that might be living in our roof space.

The “bat woman” came round and gave us this “bat phone”! We had to open a window and put the phone on the sill and then… wait!

The red bat detector, which is plugged into the phone, picks up the bats’ calls and then a little message comes up on the screen, telling you what type of bat has been spotted.

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We discovered that there are pipistrelle bats, brown long-eared bats and noctule bats in our garden. So far, it doesn’t seem as though the bats are living in our roof space, but we will do a second survey in a couple of weeks’ time to double check.

Bats are a protected species, so it is important for us humans to make sure that we do not disturb their nesting sites. If you want to help look after bats, ask if you can put up a bat box in your garden or get involved with the Bat Conservation Trust.


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Nature Month-by-Month – a children’s almanac by Anna Wilson, illustrated by Elly Jahnz is published by Nosy Crow and The National Trust and is available to order online.

At last! We can all go for longer walks and even meet a friend with whom to share the beautiful spring weather. Now that we are allowed to drive further to go for walks, there will be many of us who have been shut up in towns and cities who are desperate to visit the countryside. Most people in this country now live in urban settings, so even before the coronavirus kept us in our homes, a trip to the countryside was a treat rather than a normal part of daily life. This means that a lot of us don’t perhaps know that there are some helpful things we can do while we are walking to make sure that we don’t make life difficult for farmers and the animals and crops that they are taking care of.

When I was at school (a long time ago…) more people lived in or near the open countryside, so as well as learning about how to be safe in the town, we also learnt something called The Countryside Code. When I was researching things to put in the next Nature Month-by-Month book for 2021, I was surprised to find that this code still exists in exactly the same way that it did fifty years ago. When I mentioned it to my children, I discovered that they had not heard of it, so I thought it would be a good idea to put it in my next book. So here is a sneak peek of that page which will appear in next year’s book:

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I hope that you do manage to get out into the countryside this week and that you enjoy birdwatching and looking at all the beautiful wildflowers and the new leaves on the trees. If you do, remember to follow the simple code above as it will make your walk more enjoyable and you’ll be helping the wildlife and farmers too.

Stay safe and keep well.


Nature Month-by-Month – a children’s almanac by Anna Wilson, illustrated by Elly Jahnz is published by Nosy Crow and The National Trust and is available to order online.


When I went out into the garden with my dog this morning, I saw two goldfinches on the grass! I very rarely see them so close up, so I stopped and made the dog sit quietly so that I could watch them.

It’s a good time of year to spot goldfinches, because they love the seeds that are around right now. They particularly love dandelions.

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Thinking of the goldfinches’ favourite food got me thinking about the sort of plants people call “weeds”. I am actually a big fan of weeds! My grandmother always used to say that “A weed is simply the name for a plant in the wrong place.” In other words, a plant is only a weed if you are a gardener who prefers a tidy garden – and I am certainly not that! My favourite places are wild patches of land where “weeds” come and go, depending on the season. And it seems that the birds agree.

Not only the birds, in fact. I read last week of a woman called Sophie Leguil who is going around London chalking the names of weeds on to the pavement next to where they are sprouting! She is taking photos of them and putting them on Instagram, too. Her idea is to teach people to look more closely at pavements, walls and building sites to appreciate the little bursts of beauty that Nature offers us in the most unexpected places. You can follow her at @more_than_weeds. Here is one of her recent posts:

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Wherever you go today on your walk, I hope that you spot something beautiful like a goldfinch or an unexpected “weed” to lift your spirits – a little flash of gold in the gloom.


Nature Month-by-Month – a children’s almanac by Anna Wilson, illustrated by Elly Jahnz is published by Nosy Crow and The National Trust and is available to order online.

Today is May Day – or Beltane. Both are festivals which celebrate the fact that summer is around the corner and the darkness of winter is finally past. We are now at the halfway mark between the spring and summer solstice: the evenings are longer and lighter and we are no longer waking up in the dark – so lots to be thankful for.

It might seem odd to be thinking of festivals during lockdown, but festivals are a good way of marking changes in the seasons. They give us pause to stop and take stock of where we are in our lives. It can be helpful to look outside, go for a walk and take time to notice how the trees and flowers are blooming, especially if you’ve been feeling low. 

Where I live, the bluebells are an intense blue now, the red campion has gone crazy and there are ox-eye daisies sprouting on the cliffs in places where you would not think a flower would be able to grow. I walked this way in the winter and had to hunch my shoulders against the howling wind and roaring sea and driving rain. It was a bleak and unforgiving place in winter. Today, it is warm and gentle and everything seems to be smiling down on me. I sat on the cliff this morning to write in my diary and thought how impossible that would have been in winter.

So, however bleak and unforgiving lockdown may be feeling for you right now (and believe me, it has done for me at times) try to take hope and comfort from the way Nature is celebrating the light and warmth. Nothing ever stays the same – there is always hope and new life around the corner. Nature knows this, and she’d like to show us if only we’d take a moment to stop, look and listen. Why not try doing that, this May Day?


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Nature Month-by-Month – a children’s almanac by Anna Wilson, illustrated by Elly Jahnz is published by Nosy Crow and The National Trust and is available to order online.


Today, 22nd April, is Earth Day. This is a day to focus on what we can do to help the environment and protect our planet.

The first Earth Day was in 1970 – fifty years ago! It was set up by an American politician called Senator Gaylord Nelson because he thought it was important for children to be taught about the environment in schools. On this day (in “normal life” when schools are open and we don’t have to observe social distancing…) many schools get involved in local clean-ups in their streets, parks and along their rivers and coasts.


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Here are some things you could do to celebrate Earth Day:

1 Walk or cycle to get your daily exercise.

3 Turn off lights when you leave the room.

4 Turn off electrical appliances such as the TV, kettle and computer at the wall when you are not using them.

5 Try not to use a computer or the TV at all for just one day! (Difficult at the moment, perhaps, but what else could you find to do – it’s only one day…)

6 Take time to look at the trees, plants, birds and insects – you could do this from your window or doorstep. Make notes or drawings of what you see.

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7 Ask your parents if you can swap from chemical cleaning products to more environmentally friendly options. Did you know that you can do a lot of cleaning using natural things such as vinegar water and lemon juice?

8 Remember to take a cloth bag or a ‘bag for life’ when you go shopping to avoid using a plastic bag.

9 Did you know that meat production uses much more energy than plants? Try eating vegetarian food for one day. There are lots of delicious recipes to try – some are on this blog!

10 Take a refillable drink bottle out with you instead of buying water or juice in plastic bottles.


“…Sugar is sweet – and so are you!” So the traditional rhyme goes. I had no idea until last week, however, that you can actually make sugary sweets from these beautiful flowers…

I was shouting over a two-metre distance to my neighbour the other day – not because I was angry, but because that’s the only way to have a neighbourly chat right now! We were commenting on how beautiful the wildflowers are at this time of year. He told me that when he was a boy, his mum used to make sweets from the Common Dog Violet.

“What, like Parma Violets?” I said. “I don’t really like those.”

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“No, the homemade ones are much nicer!” he assured me. “They are like crystallised fruit, only made with petals instead.”

He then went on to tell me how to make them, so I did! And I am hoping that I might be able to include this recipe in the next edition of my nature almanac, Nature Month-by-Month which I will be starting on quite soon.

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In the meantime, here is what you need for the recipe:

One egg white

A plate of caster sugar

A small bunch of washed Common Dog Violets

A pair of tweezers or tongs

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And here’s what you do:

  1. Take the stalks off the flowers, leaving a small bit so you can grip it for the next step:
  2. Using the tweezers or tongs, dip a flower into the egg white
  3. Next, dip the flower in the caster sugar, taking care to cover it all over with sugar
  4. Set the flower on another plate
  5. Keep going until the plate is full
  6. Put the sugar-coated flowers in the fridge for a couple of days
  7. Use as decorations for cup cakes – or eat as sweets!
  8. Can be kept in a jar for a couple of weeks

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You can crystallise rose petals in the same way when the summer comes. Until then, keep safe and well and enjoy your homemade crystallised violets!



Nature Month-by-Month – a children’s almanac by Anna Wilson, illustrated by Elly Jahnz is published by Nosy Crow and The National Trust and is available to order online.

Tonight is the start of the Jewish festival of Passover. I was just listening to a woman on the radio talking about the preparations her family normally make for the festival – cleaning the whole house from top to bottom, clearing out the fridge and freezer, getting rid of any food that has yeast in it… This year she said she felt strange celebrating a Festival of Freedom when she currently felt like a prisoner in her own home.

To all of you celebrating Passover, I wish you a Happy Pesach and am thinking of you as you are separated from family and loved ones at this difficult time.

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Tonight is also a beautiful Full Moon. It is a also a Pink Supermoon, and seeing as the night skies are so clear at the moment, we should all get a good view of it!

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Whatever you do this evening, I wish you well. Stay safe.


Nature Month-by-Month – a children’s almanac by Anna Wilson, illustrated by Elly Jahnz is published by Nosy Crow and The National Trust and is available to order online.